Do what makes you happy!


Most of us, nowadays, work because we need the money to pay our debts and in the long run end up unhappy. What would happen if you created something that could change all that?

Today in Inspired by Paws, we will meet the Canine Boss, Mariko Miyake, the creator of Pawmiscuous.

How did your project began?

I was working in Real Estate prior to starting this business and was unhappy for the longest time. Pawmiscuous started in 2016 as a dog walking/dog sitting business initially but it grew into a brand of dog apparel/accessories.

Who or what inspired you?

What inspired me was my love for dogs. I didn’t have my own dog at the time but I loved running into all the dogs in the buildings I used to work at. I would always see dog walkers in the neighborhood I used to work at, and thought I can do that too! I fostered for the first time and that gave me my dog fix while still building the business.

How did you come up with the name?

It’s funny because I spent so much time trying to figure out names for my business. Since it was initially a dog walking/sitting service, the name was difficult to come up with but I’m so glad I ended up choosing Pawmiscuous since my business went in a different direction. My coworker at the time had a Pomeranian and she would jokingly tag her photos with #pomiscuous and she suggested using Pawmiscuous. That’s how that name came out.

Does your dog’s personality influences in the branding of Pawmiscuous?

Absolutely! I didn’t adopt my dog Penny until the end of that year but she definitely fits the Pawmiscuous brand. She’s sassy, smart assy but also classy and that is what our brand is all about. I love making stuff for those dogs with a little attitude. It’s what Pawmiscuous is.

What is your dog’s name? breed?

Penny, Penelope (when she’s in trouble). She is a mutt. She was a rescue from Florida. I did the DNA testing and it came back as Beagle, Maltese and Dachshund.

What motivated you to do it?

I was so unhappy with my job and it made me into a person that I didn’t like. It was scary as hell to quit my job and give up salary/benefits but as hard as being an entrepreneur is, it was the best decision I made.

What steps did you take to make your dream come true?

I gathered the emails of all the clients I had worked with and just said: hey I am no longer with the company but I started a new venture in dog walking/sitting. Somebody from that email list complained and I ended up getting a cease and desist. From that one email I got some clients and I just had to network and market myself. Eventually, my primary focus became the dog apparel/accessories but I learned a lot from the dog walking/sitting part of it.

What do you think is the next step for the business?

I would like to build more wholesale accounts and collaborate more with likeminded brands. There’s just always room to grow when you own a small business.

Anything else that you would like to share with us?

Have patience when building your business. Always be nice to your clients, customers, people you meet in the industry. It goes a long way when you genuinely care about your customers and people you do business with.

Any advice that you can give other who want to open their business?

Be genuine and be yourself. I’ve built my brand around who I am and who my dog is. People can sense when you’re real and can relate to you.



My products might not be for everybody but that’s okay because there is something for everybody.