The meaning of Letters by Angelie

Letters by Angelie sounds like a simple title, but it has a deeper meaning for me.

My dog passed away last October. She was a fourteen year old Boston Terrier. I used to call her “my sweet partner”. I got her when I was fifteen years old and wanted to name her Angel, but living in Puerto Rico meant that it is a “boy’s name” so I had to change it to Angely.

We were two peas in a pod. Everyone that knew me knew her. She was always by my side (literally) and with me through the different stages in my life. It was hard for me to put away her things because it was as if she never existed. I kept her collar and other things to remember her by. Now that she’s gone, the new people that I meet will never know her.

Angely will always have a special place in my heart for fourteen years now, so I found it fitting to incorporate this story into my blog/brand somehow –in honor of “my sweet partner”, Angely. Letters is because of my new journey to become a lettering artist.

I hope that what you read here inspires and challenges you to pursue your own dreams and goals. And also, find a place, where you can feel comfortable with being yourself. Many of us go through different things and obstacles in life and believe that no one has ever gone through this or maybe feel afraid to talk to someone. What I want to tell you is that you’re not alone!